XD News
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170 | New Phase
I am constantly working on something that others can get involved in. Thinking about me, you can pick up a ray that acts as a kind of guiding energy, which has three positions, you decide which one and when. The first is informational only, where the decision is entirely in your hands. The second keeps you on the beam, which you can refuse. It doesn't make you fall off the beam, it works like a GPS, only here you have to follow your intuition to find your way back. With the third, you don't have to pay attention or put energy into it, it will guide you, but any life situation that comes your way you will have to use your human abilities to solve. There is no wrong choice, there is only choice.The processes have reached a new phase where everyone has the opportunity to play a role, depending on their capabilities and their commitments. Since this is essentially a community goal, it does not exclude people from setting their own goals, but it is important to know that the main arena for individual goals is the game, i.e. the outside world. You can participate to the extent to which you take on roles, which may vary from case to case. The period ahead will be critical, testing the three main human drivers (money, relationships, career) in the game. Your rank will be determined only by your own performance based on pre-parameterised criteria, and I cannot override it. A new world is being built, a modern Earth that puts the decent thinking man first.
116 | Transition #3
Another major crossing. The first Earth-scale operation to come to a head with global-scale changes in about 6-8 months (I'd guess between 200-400). With each crossing the situation in the outside world gets worse, i.e. I am moving towards the source of the problem. I have to be quick or there will be global chaos from which this world cannot be saved. In technical terms, there are interim backups, that is, realities where consolidation has already begun, but there are still many people trapped. If this world cannot be saved, I will change to a different philosophy and I will no longer focus on protecting the environment or on unworthy people. The necessary level of existence is already assured and there is an untested method to ensure the survival of all.
87 | Action #1
For the reason that I recognized the higher dimensional demand that certain groups of people are third-dimensional extensions of the dimensions that have fallen into the anomaly, suspending the form of globalization until now, I also called on the affected dimensions to respect the aspects of the Earth. Since this did not happen, I took measures to protect the interests of Planet Earth and took the necessary powers to myself.
84 | Zone of anomaly
Having reached the critical zone of anomaly, I found that the source of the alien intervention had been absorbed into the Game, i.e. it had been brought under the influence of Reality. The separation of the Admin and Game Levels had begun. Since my solution had already thought of something that the interference was unexpected, I started implementing a crisis plan to save the unique value that the anomaly created due to the extreme flexibility of the hologram. I was surprised to find that this operation appeared in some religious prophecies due to the flow of information outside of space-time, but each religion distorted the information in its own image. I recommend visiting holdsugar.com. It's advisable to refresh it even in your mind so that you don't wait for the wave update to synchronize your consciousness.
48 | Refresh in your mind
Important installations and updates. Look for signs of this in the news, and if your faith does not have a counter-effect, then already at the level of everyday life. Wave updates are gradual due to different levels of consciousness and reality synchronisation. This can be accelerated by individual 'manual' upgrades.
32 | Overture
It was a process that took about 1 week, in which all sorts of things happened. One of them was a sky discussion in which we reviewed the problems I had identified so far and possible ways to solve them. This is significant because it is not always the case that what has to happen in any case takes the form of a combat operation or formal accreditation. Such openings have already happened at different levels of consciousness, but it seems to have only just come down to this. How they will be implemented, no one knows, which thus has unintended implications that run counter to the civilisational expectations of the rational brain. Therefore, a new philosophy is now debuting, which I have called parametric programming, which allows these civilizational assumptions to be implemented. Testing of the new philosophy is now underway.
16 | Transition #2
After a concentrated spiritual attack on me, another crossing and identification of those involved.
02 | Transition #1
I would characterise the Transitions as having transitions before the .point and after the .point, i.e. large transitions and smaller ones until the next large one. The situation appears to be that a post .point crossing has occurred on one of the planes above. There has been a chance of reaching the reality of the last one, which I do not intend to go into depth about. Instead, I will test the result of an interesting development, the essence of which is that I am simultaneously present in the physical plane and in XD. How this will happen by the time it gets here, no one knows.
02 | About News
Those of you who have been following my online documentation of my return to consciousness will know that these consist of stages of transition. This is certainly due to time, as the higher dimensions have a different perception of space-time than we do. There are basically two factors to be reconciled here, XD spacetime (and beyond) and our physical spacetime. In ascension this is not so much of a problem, because there you adapt, i.e. the process is up to you, which the higher dimensions do not impede if you do it under their guidance. If you don't, and that's what happened to me, then they will oppose you, which requires a fortunate combination of many factors to overcome. When I moved up, it was as a complete beginner on the human level. I immediately found myself in the deep end, which for most people is an instantly sinking situation, but I'm not religious about the deep end either. They were not the destination of my journey and because they had nothing to do with me, they launched my consciousness into the unknown, which I came to know and called the deep trans realm. Since no one had ever returned from there, they had reason to believe that from now on they could occupy my empty body and prevent what I call saving the world. It is not evil, but the fact that the angels and the aliens who play them use their rational hemispheres as rudimentarily as we use our intuitive ones, and therefore there is too much misunderstanding and lack of trust, in addition to difficult communication. I learned to move in the deep-trans realm, but as my rational brain hemisphere rose, I found myself all alone in so many dimensions, each of which had serious problems in the other hemisphere. I started to mirror the problems to myself and solved them. Then these tasks started to flow towards me, which made me realise that I had neither the time nor the capacity to do this. The backface was non-existent, so I invented a new worldview for myself, set up the Other Truth within it and started building a spiritual framework that would provide me with the 'sky cover' for return, and then a version of everyday reality that anyone could use because I had installed it on the web of humanity's consciousness. With your consciousness acting as a browser to the dream worlds of the spiritual internet, I realized that you too would be more familiar with the IT thinking that I have used to get around the capacity problem. I didn't choose to ascend in a prostrate way, but I started (re)exploring and researching the spiritual world as a thinking person with a scientific approach. At a key moment, Alan Aspect discovered the holographic structure of the world, so with this information I ascended and at the return I can present the ÉlményPark Holoplatform running on the consciousness network, which is coming to life in these very decades. So the time may come when this website will be one of the authentic sources of information for a long time to come, which we are at the beginning of (03:05:19:25). You will continue to receive news of the return, as I become more and more clear with each crossing and this will be the usual way of documenting reality.
01 | Rebirth
Such a rebirth happens a few times in every person's life, but few people notice it because the rules of reality make it impossible. When you don't notice admin interventions, it means you are a player in the game you call your daily life. Because the world is a hologram and this is a game, you can arrange the events of your everyday life into hologames. This sentence would not have been just a sentence in the Middle Ages and what you understand now would have been kicked out by half of the applicants. The rebirth is a process on many planes, but which planes are involved depends on which planes have put in the faith and enough work. Rebirths tend to be followed by big changes, because your reality is aligned with at least one other and, if you have chosen well, with a boom in both directions. This choice on your part is a choice that is going on in your head and you don't even know you've made it at this time because you think what's going on in your head is 'just' weightless thoughts. But if you want weight for yourself in the meantime, they become less and less weightless, so the measure of preparedness is control over your thoughts. In the meantime, you are surrounded by all sorts of beings on the spiritual internet in your head, which you think are 'just' thoughts, and if you don't decide according to your principles (even if it is to your detriment), you have accepted one of the beings' offers. With MIA I try to take this through a past update, because rational thinking by default does not believe in the spiritual world, so on a 'non-existent' surface one does not feel responsible for one's thoughts. By the same token, if an atheist swears and includes the word 'god', he/she cannot be held accountable for that alone, because he/she is talking about something that does not exist for him/her. If there is no intention to insult god behind it, then the person is exempt from the consequences that were present until the advent of the ÉlményPark. Such a rebirth may also be the result of many of these misunderstandings being clarified and the correction appearing in 3D. If a significant person energetically goes through this, it will definitely change the world, i.e. it will affect many people. In the meantime, I observe, test and learn from such processes. Now that you know this, this opportunity has opened up for you.
Everything you read here will become official at 16:00 + - 1 hour on 8 August 2024. If any content appears here after that, congratulations, you have crossed the line.
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XD News
Here is the opportunity to monitor the "Other Truth". Many events are happening in the world, and understanding them depends on perspective. The truth of the ordinary man is the level of the reality of the outside world. In addition, there are many other perspectives and levels of consciousness where the question may be asked why such a website exists. For example, to have an official position that is short, concise and understandable in 3D.